Board of Directors Documents
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Greater Louisville Music Teachers’ Association, hereafter referred to as GLMTA.
Article II: Objectives
Section 1
GLMTA is organized for educational purposes with activities aimed to (a) advance the knowledge of music, (b) raise the standard of music teaching, (c) promote an enlightened and humane community culture, and (d) practice the highest ideals of professional ethics. GLMTA is not organized for profit and no part of its earnings shall be to the profit of any GLMTA member or associate.
Section 2
In the event that GLMTA should dissolve, any assets remaining in GLMTA should be distributed to the Music Teachers National Association, hereafter referred to as MTNA.
Article III: Membership
Section 1
Membership shall be limited to members in good standing with the Kentucky Music Teachers Association, hereafter referred to as KMTA.
Section 2
There shall be five classes of membership: Active, Senior, Student, Honorary, and Emeritus.
Section 3
Active membership shall be open to teachers in any branch of music or to others interested in the objectives of GLMTA, as stated in Article II.
Section 4
Senior membership status shall be automatically conferred upon any active member who has reached 65 years of age by July 1st and who has held continuous membership for the previous five years. Such status must be read into the public record of GLMTA. Dues will be assessed at one-half the current active membership dues. They shall retain all rights and privileges of GLMTA.
Section 5
Student membership shall be open to students of music over sixteen years of age in universities, colleges, conservatories and private studios. They shall have all rights and privileges of GLMTA with the exception of the right to vote and the right to hold office. Student members shall not enter students in fee-generating activities, in compliance with related KMTA by-laws.
Section 6
Honorary membership may be conferred on those who have rendered outstanding service in the field of music. Honorary members may be elected by unanimous vote of the Executive Board. They shall be exempt from dues payments and shall retain all rights and privileges of GLMTA.
Section 7
Emeritus membership status may be conferred upon those members who have been active members of GLMTA for a minimum of ten years, and who have retired from active teaching. Emeritus members must be elected by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board. They shall be exempt from dues payments and shall retain all rights and privileges of GLMTA.
Section 8
The fiscal year of GLMTA shall be July 1st to June 30th.
Section 9
Local dues are payable by the first of July each year. Members in arrears may be reinstated by paying dues for the current year.
Section 10
Names of members who have not paid their dues for the previous year shall be omitted from the yearbook roster for the ensuing year.
Section 11
All applications for membership shall be in writing on a form provided for that purpose. Dues for new members joining after January 1 shall be one half the regular yearly dues. Local dues for active and student membership shall be set by the Executive Board.
Article IV: Officers and their Duties
Section 1
The elected officers shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. The normative terms of elected office shall be two years.
Section 2
The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers.
Section 3
The President shall preside at all meetings of GLMTA and the Executive Board; shall appoint chairs of all committees and be advisor member of each committee; shall make pro tem appointments to fill vacancies until a meeting of GLMTA or Executive Board shall be held. Personnel of all standing committees shall be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Board and shall serve a term of one year and may be appointed for one additional term.
The First Vice-President shall be coordinator of the program committee; shall assume all duties of the President in the absence of that officer or because of an inability to preside, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the GLMTA President.
The Second Vice-President shall be coordinator of the membership committee; shall keep a roll of all the members with their addresses and a record of attendance; shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of that officer and the First Vice-President, and shall perform duties as may be assigned by the GLMTA President.
The Recording Secretary shall preside in the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents; shall keep a text record of the proceedings of the GLMTA Executive Board; and shall perform duties as may be assigned by the GLMTA President.
The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to all correspondence pertaining to the activities of GLMTA and shall carry on all correspondence assigned by the President and the Executive Board.
The Treasurer shall receive all money, issue membership receipts, make all disbursements upon receiving vouchers, keep an account of dues paid in, and shall make a detailed report at each business meeting of GLMTA, as well as a written report of the financial condition of GLMTA, at the first meeting of the fiscal year.
The Historian shall maintain GLMTA’s scrapbook and keep a record of pertinent historical information, and shall perform duties as may be assigned by the GLMTA President.
The Past-President of GLMTA shall automatically become a director of GLMTA, thus continuing as an advisory member of the Executive Board for two years thereafter.
Section 4
The Executive Board shall have power to fill any vacancy occurring in its membership during the fiscal year.
Article V: Standing Committees
Section 1
There shall be a Nominating Committee comprised of the current sitting GLMTA President, First Vice-President and Immediate Past-President, who shall serve as its chairperson.
Section 2
There shall be other standing committees as deemed necessary by The Executive Board.
Article VI: Elections
Section 1
Nominations for new officers shall be presented at the next to the last meeting of the GLMTA business year and election of officers shall follow immediately. Nominations may also be made from the floor, in which case election shall be by secret ballot. In the event that the next to the last meeting is scheduled prior to April, the board may choose to present the slate by mail, in which case voting shall be done by mail-in ballot.
Section 2
The President and First Vice-President shall not be eligible for the same office for more than one term. The Nominating Committee shall have the option of offering one additional term to the Second Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Historian. The Treasurer may serve without time limit restriction, subject to nomination and election.
Section 3
The newly elected officers shall be installed at the final regular meeting of the GLMTA business year.
Article VII: Meetings and Quorums
Section 1
GLMTA shall hold its meetings as designated by the Executive Board and at the place(s) and time(s) designated by the Executive Board and published in the GLMTA yearbook. Additional special meetings of the general membership may be called at any time upon decision of the Executive Board.
Section 2
The Executive Board shall meet at least twice in a business year. Board meetings are open to the entire membership. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President.
Section 3
A quorum of GLMTA is constituted of ten active members.
Section 4
A quorum of the Executive Board is constituted of four Board members.
Article VIII: Parliamentary Authority and Protocols
Section 1
The Greater Louisville Music Teachers Association shall adopt Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) as final authority in the parliamentary procedure of its meetings.
Section 2
Any published GLMTA policies, or other rare procedures accepted as common practice by the membership, may not be changed by vote at the same meeting in which the change is proposed; proposals may be written by any GLMTA member in good standing.
Article IX: Amendments and Voting Procedures
Section 1
Amendments to this document may be written by any member of GLMTA in good standing, but only the Executive Board may propose and bring an amendment to a vote of the GLMTA general membership.
Section 2
A two-thirds vote of members of GLMTA present and voting shall be necessary for the adoption of an amendment; no proposal may be moved to a vote at the same meeting in which the amendment is proposed. Such action shall be required for a suspension of a by-law.