Music Fun Fair

The Greater Louisville Music Teachers Association cordially invites all music students, both GLMTA members and non-members, to participate in the Music Fun Fair.

The Music Fun Fair is available to students ranging from beginning to moderately advanced, grades 1-8. Students are welcome to participate regardless of performance level within their age/grade category.

Students are grouped by age and school grade. Each student will perform two memorized pieces for an adjudicator. Performers will then receive written comments that provide both positive reinforcement and suggestions for improvement. In addition, students will attend several group sessions such as keyboard lab, movement class, drama, organ and harpsichord demonstrations, and so on.


Deadline for entry: October 23, 2024 at midnight

When & Where

Date: November 23, 2024
Place: University of Louisville, School of Music, 105 W Brandeis Ave, Louisville, KY 40208
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


  1. Non-competitive environment for students to play for an adjudicator
  2. Multiple sessions and workshops are given by local presenters
  3. Sessions are attended by students grouped according to age (not playing level) and include keyboard lab, movement class, drama, organ and harpsichord demonstrations, and so on.
  4. Concluding recital given by participants who volunteer.
  5. Qualifying Event for the State Honors Recital

Not regarded as a competition, the Music Fun Fair is a motivating experience. Participants meet and interact with other music students and develop new friendships while they spend the morning in an enriching, musically educational setting. The event is a rewarding, informational, and fun time for all.

Based on the student auditions, the adjudicators will select qualified students to perform in the State Honors Recital at the Kentucky Music Teachers Association State Conference. All the Music Fun Fair participants will have the opportunity to attend and/or play in a short recital at the end of the morning’s activities.

Repertoire Guidelines

The Audition

Students may perform solos and duets. Each student will receive comments. Students are expected to play two (or three, if desired) solos from memory. All solo music must be memorized and at least eight measures in length. Maximum time: 5 minutes.


Duets need not be memorized.


Scales are optional. Students may prepare a scale to play in any manner they are comfortable with, as a way to test out and briefly warm up on their instrument/voice. 

Participating Teachers

Each participating teacher must work during the workshop and, in addition, must provide one parent volunteer name to help with the workshop (volunteers will be utilized if needed, depending on the number of participating students).

Enrichment Activities:

Keyboard Lab, Vocal and Movement Instruction, Theory, Improvisation, Interactive Music-Making, Games, Demonstrations of various keyboard instruments (organ, harpsichord, piano mechanics) and “try out the instrument,” etc.

There is a recital at the end of the event featuring students who would like to perform.



Teacher Registration Fee (Member): FREE
Teachers Registration Fee (Non-Member): $50
Students: $30 each

Please note: If you are entering a student in more than one instrument (such as piano and voice), there is an additional $5 fee.

Registration is due by October 23, 2024 at midnight

Please use the button below to register all entrants and teachers. Once the form is submitted, return to this page in order to pay by using the PayPal link below. If you are not a GLMTA member, select the appropriate teacher payment option and click “Add to Cart”. Return to this page and select the appropriate student payment option. On the PayPal page, change the “quantity” category to reflect the number of students you are entering.

Please note: If you are a GLMTA member, there is no teacher fee.

Deadline for entry: October 23, 2024 at midnight

Upcoming Events


Sept. 13-14: KMTA State Conference at WKU
Sept. 27 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (Welcome back!)
Oct. 5: KMTA State Honor’s Recital at UofL
Nov. 1 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (Paul Brock Band)
Nov. 23: GLMTA Music Fun Fair at UofL
Jan. 10 Jan. 24 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at David Doran’s house (NOTES: Legato, Staccato, and Regular)
Jan. 24-26: KMTA All-State Piano Ensemble Event at Bellarmine
Feb. 21 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (Gabe Evens)
Mar. 15-19: MTNA Conference in Minneapolis, MN
Apr. 25 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (sightreading roundtable discussion)
May 10: KMTA Keyboard Festival at UofL

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