KMTA Regional Festival

Date: Saturday, May 18, 2019
University of Louisville

(Postmark Deadline: 30 days before festival)

Fees (non-refundable)

$25 per solo entry
$25 per duet entry

Teacher must be a member of KMTA. Make checks payble to “KMTA”. One check per teacher, please.

Regional Festival Manager

Dr. Denine LeBlanc
1311 S. First St.
Louisville, KY 40208

Phone: (502) 435-2728

Festival Details

Three divisions for piano students of varying abilities:

Division A (non-competitive, comments only)
Division I and II (based on school grade and ability. Theory test required.)

Division A

  • Open to students of all ages, including adults
  • Non-competitive, for comments only (no rating)
  • Theory test optional
  • Each performer receives a certificate


  • Two pieces of contrasting styles
  • Each solo must be at least 8 measures in length
  • No popular music
  • No arrangements
  • Memorization required

Division I and II

Note: Division I and II no longer require a Baroque selection. Students should present two pieces of contrasting styles.

Theory Test

In addition to the adjudication, all Division I and II students take a theory test. The tests are organized into levels. Students who pass a given level may proceed to the next level the following year. It is not necessary to begin with Level One if a student seems able to take a more advanced test. Conversely, it is fine, and advisable, for students who did not comfortably pass a level the previous year to retake the same level. Teachers indicate on the student’s registration form which level he or she is to take and need to inform the student of this choice.

To assist in preparing students for the theory test, you may download study guides from the KMTA web site. Also, you may request a theory syllabus from Bethany Cothern , KMTA Theory Chair, at .

Registration Information

Participating teachers must be KMTA members in good standing in order to enter students without paying an additional teacher fee. Non-KMTA member teachers may enter students by paying a teacher fee of $20.

Complete eligibility requirements and registration information are found in the KMTA Regional Festival Handbook. (The information in this handbook was revised in 2013. Please reference this web page for the most current information.)

All forms must be filled out properly in order for students to participate.

Post-Festival Scholarship Auditions

A Scholarship Audition sponsored by the Greater Louisville Music Teachers Association will be held at the end of the festival day. During the day, adjudicators will select students for participation in the scholarship auditions who have given exceptional performances in the Festival. These students will be contacted by phone at the end of the Festival day.

  • Award #1: Best performance by a student in grades 10-12.
  • Award #2: Best performance by a student in Grades 7-9.
  • Award #3: Best performance by a pre-7th grade student.
  • Award #4: Best performance of work composed from 1910 – Present.

A total of $800.00 in cash prizes is awarded. The Piano Shop underwrites a $200.00 scholarship; anonymous donors underwrite a $200.00 scholarship; and GLMTA underwrites two $200.00 scholarships.

Upcoming Events


Sept. 13-14: KMTA State Conference at WKU
Sept. 27 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (Welcome back!)
Oct. 5: KMTA State Honor’s Recital at UofL
Nov. 1 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (Paul Brock Band)
Nov. 23: GLMTA Music Fun Fair at UofL
Jan. 10 Jan. 24 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at David Doran’s house (NOTES: Legato, Staccato, and Regular)
Jan. 24-26: KMTA All-State Piano Ensemble Event at Bellarmine
Feb. 21 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (Gabe Evens)
Mar. 15-19: MTNA Conference in Minneapolis, MN
Apr. 25 10:30A: GLMTA Meeting at Bellarmine (sightreading roundtable discussion)
May 10: KMTA Keyboard Festival at UofL

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